Changes made in JOBS Shareware version 3.10b Enhanced directory tree display. JOBS now supports full 12 character directory names. Pressing any number key at the tree display causes JOBS to adjust the number of characters displayed for each directory name. The display can now be adjusted to display anywhere from 3 characters to 12 characters for each directory name. TREEPRNT macro upgraded to support dynamic tree display. Tree will print exactly as displayed on screen. Created new Timeclock total report (TIMECLK LIST DISK) that provides a better break down of time spent on each segment of a job. Uses and includes your comments to provide a more detailed break down of each work session. Enhanced .LST file selection macros. Made install macro more intelligent in handling ambiguous path specifications found in the DOS environment. Also improved its method of amending the autoexec file. It will now find and remove any previous path spec's and insert the new one in the same place the original was found. Improved help. When at any one of JOBS' prompts, regardless of what command is being performed, the help will explain prompt line edit commands as well as the help related to the current command. Thanks for your feedback. Keep those requests comming in! We'll implement them ASAP. With your support JOBS will continue to be the most powerful tool of its kind.